Homeschool + Private School = Community School
Tampa Christian Community School


  • We are a school that complements the family.
  • We are a school where the students are grounded in their beliefs and relationships with Jesus Christ.
  • We are a group of families that have the God-given desire to train our children in the Lord and to show them that academics are an expression of God. God is integrated into all aspects of our learning and not just a separate curriculum area.
  • We believe that the students’ moral character is most important.
  • We believe that God wants us to esteem others higher than ourselves.
  • We believe that no sin is too large to forgive nor too small to ignore.
  • We believe we should be honest, even when it hurts, using lots of love.
  • We believe we should show respect to authority, peers, and property.
  • We believe we should avoid talking about others, and go directly to them when we have concerns.
  • We believe that modesty is a matter of the heart and mind; and we’re committed to protecting both.


  • We believe that evenings are meant for family to eat together at the dinner table.
  • We believe that it is a priority to have family doing life together, which strengthens the family unit.
  • We believe that parent involvement makes a strong impact. As families work together, we are able to focus on strengths and give due attention to weaknesses.
  • We are a school that strives to integrate education into our lives, without trumping the priorities of faith and family.
  • We believe that we are to shine and to be involved in service to our "neighbors," serving as a family where the parents lead by example.


  • We believe, when kids are encouraged amazing things can happen.
  • We believe God gives strengths and abilities to every child.
  • We believe that it is the school’s privilege to help kids discover their spiritual gifts and to show them who God meant for them to be.
  • We believe that kids need a safe place to find and express their God given talents.
  • We believe our school model provides increased time for teaching opportunities, both moral and academic.
  • We believe that students have different learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) that need to be considered and encouraged.
  • We believe learning should be fun and enlightening.
  • We are a school where learning is enjoyable at all grade levels which is accomplished through less volume to gain more depth.
  • We believe that students gain much from cooperative learning lessons, especially an appreciation for each other’s unique gifts and strengths.
  • We are a school that strives to balance the work load, knowing that quality is more important than quantity.
  • We are a school that is NOT another version of a private school. We are a ministry school that supports families who are called to be closely involved in teaching their children.
  • We believe the less time in classrooms and more time at home provides an effective transition to college.
  • We believe the ultimate goal is that of producing wholesome, competent men and women of character who make a positive difference in the next generation.

what we believe

our community

We are a fellowship of Christians having a commonality of purpose and thought regarding the Biblical mandates governing marriage and the training of our children. 

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should have eternal life.” John 3:16